Member-only story
About those calls for unity
During the second Impeachment of Donald J. Trump, Republican after Republican said that this was not the time for impeachment, but a time for unity.
This is akin to the stabber asking the man with a knife in his back to unite with him so the stabber can heal.
The Republicans are the ones who fomented the Big Lie for months — even before the election was held. They cast aspersions on Democrats. They repeatedly let Trump call us the “enemy of the people” without saying anything.
After the election they joined in, with a full-throated chorus. They pumped the Big Lie to the point where nearly 2/3s of Republicans believe, without any evidence at all, that Joe Biden stole the election.
They believe that “Democrats” are responsible for the laws that were changed in Pennsylvania by a Republican legislature. They believe the laws were changed as a result of the pandemic when they were changed in 2019. They believe they were passed to benefit the Democrats, when mail-in voting had traditionally favored the Republicans. They believe that the Trump-appointed judge who ruled was in bed with the Democrats.
They believe voting machines tampered with votes in Wisconsin, even though hand recounts confirm the results.