Shut up, Karen, the Adults Are Talking
In 2016, there was story after story about “trying to understand” the Donald Trump supporters and their “economic anxiety.” Yeah, that needs to stop.
Karens (both male and female) are just a bunch of yammering lemmings who “learn” everything they know from Fox News and actually believe Trump is the only one telling the truth and everyone else is lying.
The best thing to do is lock them out of the room so the adults can have an adult conversation.
This might sound harsh, but it’s not. They’ve lost a place at the table because like their hero, they have no interest in engaging with actual reality.
Not wearing a mask isn’t the exercise of some “right.” It’s the obdurate action of a selfish person willfully endangering other people’s lives because of their politics.
Sit down and shut up, Karen.
And put on a mask.
I don’t care about your psychosomatic hysterics about not getting enough oxygen. Your brain clearly doesn’t use it anyway.
I don’t give a flying squat what you “think” about re-opening the economy or re-opening schools because you don’t give a flying squat about not killing people with your breath.