Stop Telling Me How to Talk to Anti-Vaxers
Frankly, I don’t need any more lectures about how I need to patiently explain to anti-vaxers why Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective.
The most ridiculous thing about this narrative is that somehow it’s on the “pro-vaccine” community to “convince” the unpersuadable, the obdurate, the obtuse, the YouTube “researchers,” et. al. that they need to get vaccinated, or else it’s our fault that Covid is running amok again.
Where’s the think-piece telling anti-vaxers how to listen? Don’t they have a responsibility in all this? I mean this. Somehow we’ve taken their role and responsibility out of this, even though their behavior is the cause of it all.
Now let me be clear, I’m not equating “unvaccinated” with “anti-vax.” There is a segment of the population that just can’t get vaccinated. Children under the age of 12, and people with certain allergies or immunodeficiencies can’t take it at all. I’m not talking to them.
Nor am I really talking about the vaccine hesitant — particularly from communities of color — who are reluctant because of our nation’s less than stellar history of experiment on them.
I’m talking about those who can get vaccinated but refuse to because “reasons.”