The Many Lies and Fallacies of Trump and Testing

Kelly Scaletta
3 min readJul 7, 2020

Donald Trump has consistently made a claim that the United States leads the world in testing. It is a claim that not only is not true, it’s also misleading in many ways.

We aren’t actually leading

We don’t have the most tests; China does. Per, China has 90,410,000 to our 37,602,471. Now in terms of whole numbers, we are second in the world, but that’s not as great as it sounds since there are only two countries in the world with more people than America.

We’ve had 113,593 tests per one million people, which ranks 25th in the world as of today (June 6). That’s a long way from first.

But even that doesn’t really give us an accurate portrayal because different countries and different states report their testing numbers differently. Some countries are giving numbers for the people who were tested and some give the numbers of tests that were done.

The difference here is that many people are tested multiple times. It’s not always an apples-to-apples comparison.

Trump isn’t even responsible for the tests we do have

All that said, America has tested a lot of people. So why can’t we give Trump credit for that?

Because he abnegated that responsibility telling governors to take care of their own testing. After a brutal two months of insanity of cities and states bidding against one another for…



Kelly Scaletta

I write for several outlets as an NBA analyst, including Bleacher Report, FanRag, Dime, BBallBreadown and RealBallInsiders. My political views are my own.